"Fast-track your way to a movie-star body." --Woman’s World
"Lose the jiggle without the gym." --Marie Claire
A quarter of a million people have transformed their bodies at exhale, the exclusive mind/body spa. Now you can get these same results at home.
Create chiseled arms and washboard abs with Core Fusion Pure Abs and Arms. Targeted to work your entire upper body, this program will put you on the fast track to a beautifully toned and defined physique.
Using a resistance band, you’ll sculpt your shoulders and back, lose the tricep jiggle, and build core strength for a healthy, flexible spine. The program is separated into five segments of just 10 minutes each. Pick a few to fit your schedule, or use them together for a complete (and completely rewarding) workout. Plus, the bonus stretch strengthens those hard-to-reach but highly important back and spinal muscles.
"Try the workout celebs are loving." --Shape
The popular Core Fusion series gets right to the point in this excellent abs and arms workout disc. The five Pure Abs & Arms 10-minute workouts, which can be done all together or separately, are focused and challenging. But at just 10 minutes each, they are manageable even at their most intense, and designed for the best results. The disc, which comes with a nice long resistance band, mixes upper body workouts with great ab movements. The viewer will also want a set of dumbbells for one of the arms workouts; 5 pounds is plenty challenging, because there really is no rest between reps. Instructors Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp give clear, encouraging instruction, solely as voice-overs, which enables them to focus on demonstrating proper technique during the workouts themselves. The resistance band makes increasing (or decreasing) the intensity easy, and the high-energy repetitions mean the viewer should feel and see results quickly. Many of the movements are inspired by traditional weightlifting, Pilates, and yoga, but the instructors combine actions in unusual ways to cross-work muscle groups--and to keep things interesting. For working every muscle group in the arms and abs, Pure Abs & Arms is an enjoyable, flexible routine that is also a lot of fun. --A.T. Hurley
durasi : 50m3nit